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Abee, Canada, Enstatite, (EH), Fell 1953, TKW 107kg, 12.2  gram slice  (Abee Label. Possible Mercury origin?)

Abernathy, Texas, Stone, (L6), Found 1941, TKW 2914g, Micromount Specimen     Abernathy COA

Albin, Wyoming, stony-iron pallasite, Found 1931, TKW 37.6kg, 82 grams  (Albin Label. Rare Specimen)

Allende, Mexico,(CV3.2), Fell 1969, TKW 1000kg, 110 grams complete individual  (Allende Label. Real stardust -- 4.6 billion years old)

Allende, Mexico,(CV3.2), Fell 1969, TKW 1000kg, 33 grams slice with crust   (Allende Label)

Bruderheim, Alberta Canada, (L6), Fell 1960, TKW 303kg, 107.8 grams complete individual  (Mike Bandli Collection Specimen)

Bruderheim,Alberta Canada,(L6),Fell 1960,TKW 303kg, 6.98 grams slice with crust   (Matt Morgan Collection Specimen)

Camel Donga, Australia, Eucrite achondrite, Found 1984, TKW 30kg, 1.774 grams complete individual  Camel Donga Label

Claxton, Georgia, (L6), Fell 1984, TKW 1.455kg, .64 grams  micromount 10mm x 7mm (Struck Mailbox)   Claxton COA

Claxton, Georgia, (L6), Fell 1984, TKW 1.455kg, 3.3 grams slice with crust   (Struck Mailbox) 

Ensisheim, Alsace, France, (LL6), Amphoterite, Fell 1492, TKW 127kg, 1.120 gram slice   Ensisheim Label (COA)

Ensisheim, Alsace, France, (LL6), Amphoterite, Fell 1492, TKW 127kg, 1.120 gram slice  (Ensisheim Riker Mount)   

Estherville, Iowa, Fell 1879, TKW 318kg, 14.31 gram etched slice  (Estherville Label)

Forest City, Iowa, (H5), Fell  May 2, 1890, TKW 122kg, 325 gram Complete stone (Historic Fall)    Forest City Museum Label

Forest City, Iowa, (H5), Fell May 2, 1890, TKW 122kg, 12.8 grams complete individual  Mike Bandli Collection Specimen

Henbury, Australia, (IIIAB), Found 1931 TKW 1200kg, small fragment  (Henbury Label)

Holbrook, Arizona, (L6), complete stone, Fell 1912, TKW 255kg, 27 grams  (Note contraction cracks on crust)

Holbrook, Arizona, (L6), complete stone, Fell 1912, TKW 255kg, 18 grams  (Holbrook Label. Note light interior)

Homestead, Iowa, (L5), complete stone, Fell 1875, TKW 230kg, 134 grams   (Robert Haag Collection Piece-Label)

Homestead, Iowa, (L5), Fell 1875, TKW 230kg, 13.62 grams partslice  (Homestead Label)

Ingella Station, Queensland, Australia, (H5), Found 1987, TKW 10kg, 50 grams half stone  (Ingella Label. Note patches of old crust-very weathered)

Ingella Station, Queensland, Australia, (H5), Found 1987, TKW 10kg, 50 grams half stone  (Cut and polished face- note metal in matrix)

Kenna, New Mexico, Ureilite, Found 1972, TKW 10.9kg, 3grams slice with crust  (Kenna Label. Rare Meteorite)

La Criolla, Argentina, (L6), Fell 1985, TKW >35kg, 34.4grams individual  (La Criolla Label)

Landes, West Virginia, (IAB), Silicated iron, Found 1930, TKW 69.8kg, 50 grams slice  (Beautiful Silicate inclusions. Prized in collections)

Landes, West Virginia, (IAB), Silicated iron, Found 1930, TKW 69.8kg, 50 grams slice  (Landes label, note camera reflection) 

Murchison, Australia, (CM2), Fell 1969, TKW 100kg, 33.5 gram piece with crust  (Murchison Label. Amino acids found in this one)

New Concord, Ohio, (L6), Fell 1860, TKW 227kg, 0.7505 gram micro mount  (Reported to have hit and killed a horse)

Norton County, Kansas, Aubrite achondrite, Fell 1948, TKW 1100kg, 24 grams half stone  ( Highly sought meteorite)

Norton County, Kansas, Aubrite achondrite, Fell 1948, TKW 1100kg, 24 grams half stone  (Norton Label. Back side, note black shock vein)

Nuevo Mercurio, Mexico, (H5), Fell 1978, TKW 40kg, 24.7 gram individual with  crust  (Nuevo Mercurio Label. Note surface details)

Nuevo Mercurio, Mexico, (H5), Fell 1978, TKW 40kg, 24.7 gram individual with crust  ( Note how thick the black crust can be)

NWA 482, Found 2001?, .108 grams slice with anorthositic clast  (NWA 482 Label- Lunar material)

Oliver, Nebraska, (L6), Found 1984, TKW 6.6kg, 56 grams slice with crust  (Oliver Label. Note rust stains) 

Peekskill, New York, (H6), Fell 1992, TKW 12.67kg, 45 grams complete slice w/ crust  (Beautiful breccia, rare specimen. Car smasher!)

Peekskill, New York, (H6), Fell 1992, TKW 12.67kg, 45 grams complete slice w/ crust  (Peekskill Meteorite close up)

Peekskill, New York, (H6), Fell 1992, TKW 12.67kg, Micro Mount Specimen  (Peekskill  Label)

Peekskill, New York, (H6), Fell 1992, TKW 12.6kg, 7.05 grams slice with crust  Peekskill Label 7.05 grams

Pena Blanca Springs, Texas, Aubrite achondrite, Fell 1946, TKW 70.4kg, 32 grams slice  (Pena Blanca Springs Label) 

Pultusk, Poland, Fell  January 30, 1868, TKW 8863 kg, 56 grams complete stone, A Berger provenance 

Richardton, North Dakota, (H5), veined, Fell 1918, TKW 100kg, 40 gram slice with crust  (Richardton Label. Beautiful metal veins)

Sikote Alin, Russia, 11B, Fell 1947, TKW 70000kg, 150 gram sculpted specimen  (Sikote Label)  

Sutter's Mill , California, Fell April 22, 2012, TKW 992.5 grams .5805mg fragment    Sutter's Mill Label

Vaca Muerta, Chile, Mesosiderite, Found 1861, TKW 40kg, 47 grams half stone with crust  (Vaca Muerta Label)